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The benefits of


Massage can help your mental, emotional and physical health. Your body is your operating system, your vehicle, your home. We live in a world that screams fast pace and stress, most of us are running on fight or flight response, draining our adrenals jeopardizing our whole energy system, living a life out of alignment with nature and the own rhythm of our bodies. Massage and any body work is a tool for us to keep our inner energy moving, flowing and wo


Benefits of massage


  • Reduced muscle tension

  • Improved circulation

  • Stimulation of the lymphatic system

  • Reduction of stress hormones

  • Relaxation

  • Increased joint mobility and flexibility

  • Improved skin tone

  • Improved recovery of soft tissue injuries

  • Heightened mental alertness

  • Reduced anxiety and depression.



Benefits of Womb / Sacral & Heart massage


  • All of above

  • Releases fascia of all surrounding organs

  • Stimulates Qi, opens meridians 

  • Increases blood flow

  • Can reduce PMS

  • Helps digestion

  • Can regulate menstrual cycle

  • Relieves stomach cramps / bloating / IBS

  • Reproductive benefits (fertility, pre-menopause, menopause, miscarriage, Headaches, cysts)

  • Deep relaxation


Relax deeply into divine feminine frequencies in this energy massage. An emotional clearing from our two feminine power centres, so that we can clear stagnant, blocked energy and trauma and embody a healthy vibration not only for our body but our mind and soul. A unique massage and energy transition on an area of the body 

that is often forgotten. This will nurture the home of all your organs; influencing and encouraging your life force Qi energy to flow harmoniously throughout your body. Specific areas focused on are bespoke to each body depending on where it is holding stagnant energy in the way of your own Source energy

We nurture and grow our babies into this world through love, affection and touch. When and why do we stop giving and receiving this? Yes as parents you may be like this with your children, but what about you? Where do you get your upfill of these energies that we intuitively know are needed for health, stability, connection and growth.

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